AZTEC MEDIA COMPANY, LLC Thomas Peru - Owner Aztec Media Company opened business on July 4, 1994, established by Owner, Tom Peru Aztec Media Company claims "thousands of TV ads" and other productions. This is no exaggeration as we were the prime contractors for numerous regional/ national cable television entities including Century Cable, Adelphia, Time-Warner Broadcast, AT&T Cable, CS CableVision, WanTV, Falcon Cable (Military), Comcast and Century Link. Additionally, we are fully operational as a long-format production and post-house, creating episodic In our over twenty years we have worked with many business entities in the region, including government, religious and private organizations. Awards and accolades? - Yes, local and national- however we are not award-seekers… Since many of Although we have employed as many as six full-time staffers and maintained a complete soundstage, In-House facilities include MEDIA CONVERSION transfer to-and-from virtually any video format including analog to digital and back. Also, we keep DVD and CD duplication operations up and running to accommodate our clients that may need several hundred discs produced on short notice. Or have a video posted to the web, or through the cloud. We are fully 4K amd HD-capable with Cinema-Grade Panasonic and Sony cameras, suibtable for almost any production style or project. For questions, quotes, comments or concerns, please feel free to call or contact us anytime; e-mail:
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